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America’s War On Women

February 18th 2016

Is America ready to embrace a female President? And furthermore, will America ever evolve past a society where women still earn 78 cents… for every dollar that a man makes?

Because over the past 5-6 decades women have grown more accustomed to pulling their own weight, within the American workplace, seemingly leveling the playing field. However, today in America many people are currently questioning the evolution of America’s family dynamics. Whereas, once upon a time… women were expected to only account for, “household duties,” women today have taken on a whole new role, within the American family. Whereby, this shift towards, “bread winning females,” is also, in many ways signified by Hillary Clinton’s 2016, “Brave,” campaign.

Today, women over the age of 16 makeup 47% of America’s labor participation, meaning that 72 million American women, over the age of 16, are currently employed within America today.

However, in turn this social shift has also created several cultural disputes concerning the employment of American woman, particularly in the new, “economic landscape. Furthermore, in many ways this evolution has put the prior generation, against the new generation, in terms of hard working American woman. Specifically, since the 1980’s America has seemingly taken many strides, in terms of gender equality, both domestically and abroad, but now it seems that we’re seeing a totally new economic equation.

In fact, it’s also worth noting that in 1984... 80% of newly hired bartenders were woman... where by comparison, far fewer women were employed as bartenders before 1980. Yet, since 1980, disputes over income equality and, “the types of jobs,” that women have held, has now come into question.(

For this reason, I believe that the whole world is experiencing, “a new age war on women,” and this is particularly troubling, especially in the midst of Hillary Clinton’s run for office. So, I now ask, how has a women not yet held the Presidency? Because this issue, I believe supersedes ritualistic, “family dynamics,” which I believe… are currently standing in the way of progress.

I also believe… that in many ways, this lack of progress is because of the prior generation of women, who also don't seem to understand the need for gender equality. Furthermore, it seems as though the prior generation of women… also fail to understand the current generation's desire to lead.

Henceforth, I believe this, “new aged war on women,” is also, in many ways a bi-product of women themselves.

Furthermore, today’s, “war on women,” is perhaps not as cut and dry as prior movements for gender equality, however, this movement’s substance… is no less important.

Raising the standards for women and changing these outdated family dynamics, in terms of both, bread winning and leadership capabilities, has clearly become the goal of this new generation. It is in this essence, that the modern gender dynamic ought to further reward ambitious, driven women, in and around the workplace. Nevertheless, today’s opposition remains fierce. Yet, once again, I believe that this circumstance is mostly due to the prior generation of woman, as well as American men, who have been displaced in the American labor markets. Also, I believe that rejecting this notion of gender equality is an imminent and pressing issue, which could also inevitably make the issue worse. Sadly, many people still seemingly don’t understand this plight of young American females, as well as this changing dynamic, which in many ways represents what I believe to be, “America’s war on women,” today.

Hillary For President?

Now with that being said, however... should American’s vote for Hillary Clinton in this year’s upcoming election simply because she’s a female? Absolutely not.

By: William Larsen

Civilians News, “News For All Views.”