May 13th, 2017
Quebec and British Columbia… have experienced record flooding, this past month.
Whereby, according to various news outlets this is due to an abnormally high sea level and a shifting dynamic in recent Canadian rainfall. However, due to these abnormal weather patterns… the Ottawa River’s current has almost doubled in velocity this past month. Whereby, that shift in rainfall has then created severe flash floods in; Canada, Russia and the United States, this past month.
Yet, in the wake of this flooding; northern New York, Ottawa, Buffalo, Gatineau and Toronto, among dozens of other small town communities, have been pulverized by storm systems.
Nevertheless, Canada’s not the only region experiencing this month’s abnormal flooding patterns. Where this week, an estimated 170 people have died in Russia, due to flash floods, simultaneously. (
And to re-iterate, flash flooding in Russia has occurred nearly simultaneously… with flash flooding in Canada, this past Spring which might assumingly be proof that this flooding is a result of Global Warming caused by Green House Gas emissions. But don’t take my word for it, as Russian citizens have posted a variety of pictures describing the flooding themselves… (
And popular science wrote a great article, cataloging the acute nature of this particular weather pattern.
Whereby, in that article, David Phillips, a top climate expert in Canada working for the, “Canadian government department for implementing environmental protocols,” explains that the flooding is, “unnatural.”
Then Philips goes on to say;
"And it just rained and rained… we’ve never seen weather like this before." then goes on to note;
“Ottawa, which normally receives 3.2 inches of rain in the month of May, was drenched with 4.42 inches of rainfall, in just the first ten days of May 2017.”
But… why is this unusual flooding pattern in Canada today? And furthermore, do the 170 flooding casualties in Russia indicate that these weather patterns are seemingly unnatural and connected?
And top climate scientists have speculated that this was the 2nd warmest February, since weather records began, over 100 years ago. So for that reason, it is not arbitrary to assume, in my opinion… that snow melt in the Arctic, is in fact responsible for this unusual flooding and weather pattern.
Which then leads me to wonder, why isn’t this issue receiving more mainstream media attention?
Ottawa, Canada – flooding this past week.
And that answer, is a bit more complicated.
Where to me, it’s clear and straight forward from a scientific perspective, that snow melt in the Arctic is likely causing these disasters. Yet, it’s seemingly obvious that oil consumption, combined with deforestation, have contributed to rising CO2 levels, causing these unusual weather patterns in multiple locations, simultaneously. However, what is not clear… is why nothing is being done to curtail this problem from worsening.
And in particular, this issue is troubling to me personally because it represents a global problem, requiring a global response. And for this reason, initiatives to curb snow melt or in essence reverse the effects of global warming seem to require more than just domestic politics, in my opinion.
So why aren’t US politicians jumping at the opportunity to curb this global catastrophe? And why are media outlets overlooking this flooding? Because I personally have my own opinion on this circumstance, in terms of the, “political games,” surrounding this situation today and that’s that the motivation to ignore the problem seems to always be MONEY.
Yet, since President Trump’s nomination, Rick Perry was recently chosen as Trump’s, “front man,” on American energy policy, a Texas man with no care for Winter weather patterns or liberal politics. And that also signals a dilemma to me personally, within the Pentagon today, concerning global warming initiatives. And that was a suspicious appointment from it’s very onset, for a variety of different reasons in my opinion.
But while many in the science community… including NASA, conclude that oil consumption has played a major role in these, “modern weather phenomenon,” simultaneously Rick Perry has vehemently denied the existence of man mad global warming. However, as an American myself, I can attest that it’s only snowed 2-3 times in NYC this past Winter and that Portland, Oregon only experienced mild snowfall last year and Michigan’s Winter season used to be far more snowy, back in the early 1990’s, which is data from my personal memory. So to be clear, Rick Perry has publicly stated in the past that he does not believe, “global warming,” is a man made ordeal but I don’t know that Texas really see’s it the same way, for a variety of reasons.
Yet, since his appointment within President Trump’s cabinet, Perry has somewhat reversed that stance publicly. Nevertheless, Perry is claiming that he now believes, “global warming,” is in fact, “somewhat,” due to human interaction but that simply isn’t enough in my opinion, as a cold weather dwelling citizen who often finds this issue to be more about racial leadership than actual science.
But furthermore, I personally believe that Trump chose Perry as energy secretary, for politically tactical reasons. Whereas, I believe that Trump did this for 2 reasons.
- I believe Trump chose Perry as his energy secretary, both to troll foreign leaders abroad, who publicly deny climate change.
- And secondly, I believe this appointment is being used as a bargaining chip as well, in response to liberals in the Senate who are constantly fighting over the issue of, “gay marriage,” and minority candidates in Congress. And in this way, President Trump can now use this issue as a tactical point of emphasis, in an effort to curtail his liberal opposition on gay marriage and leverage Christian leadership into Congress.
Nevertheless, I also do not believe that Rick Perry is incapable of heading the Energy Department and in fact, if Perry does change his stance, opting to take a pro-active approach to this issue, then Perry could very well change his entire image within the United States.
-William Larsen, Civilians News, News For All Views.